Turmeric when pregnant
Are you allowed to take turmeric during pregnancy? The yellow-orange spice turmeric has conquered the European cuisine for years, not least because of its health-promoting properties.
So it’s no wonder that you become aware of the magic powder during pregnancy to do something good for you and your baby. Despite all its positive properties: turmeric should be taboo during pregnancy.
During this time a good immune system is extremely important, especially for pregnant women. Most capsules and tablets provide pregnant women with the most important vitamins and nutrients.
Since turmeric has only found its way into domestic pots for a relatively short time, there is a lack of long-term medical studies. However, there is consensus on the intake of larger quantities.
If turmeric is taken in high doses or daily, there is a risk of cramps and bleeding in the uterus, which in the worst case can lead to abortion or premature birth.
Although many health-promoting substances have been identified in turmeric spice, no conclusive results are available. While some doctors regard small amounts of turmeric during pregnancy as uncritical, others advise against its use.
This is especially true for food supplements containing the main active ingredient turmeric in concentrated form.
When researchers disagree, you should follow the golden rule: If there is a potential danger, the product should be avoided. Always remember, ask your doctor for advise!
Can turmeric trigger contractions?
Taking turmeric during pregnancy is problematic, especially because of its contraceptive effects. In order to avoid the risk of premature birth, you should therefore avoid consuming large quantities of turmeric.
What are turmerics benefits for men? To learn more, hit the next page button below, now!