Weightloss – Exercise, Sunshine And Fresh Air? Thats All?

Person meditating on a mat outdoors with a water bottle nearby.

Summer is here and many people look forward to visiting the farmer’s market which is more like a ritual. It provides people quality time to spend with family and friends, promises lots of entertainment, and more than anything else, offers freshest fruits and vegetables of the season.

Exercise, sunshine and fresh air?

Good amount of exercise, sunshine, fresh air and an opportunity to reduce your carbon foot print. Besides that, you find mouthwatering treats such as homemade chocolate chip cookies, ice-cream and cinnamon rolls. You will find superfoods that help promote weight loss such as nut butters, anaheim chilies, French beans, casaba melons, whole grain breads and sour cherries.

Most of the foods there are healthy and nutritious, but some actually promote weight loss. “The obvious jewels in the crown of any farmers’ market are the fruits and veggies, but that doesn’t mean you should overlook some of the other treasures within,” said Bonnie Taub-Dix, R.D.N., author of Read It Before You Eat It and nutrition and health influencer from New York. We talked with a couple of registered dietitians who offered up a few unexpected farmers’ market finds that can keep your journey on the scale a productive one.

Nut Butters
These are a real gem if you can find them. Fresh nut butters like Taub-Dix’s favorite—almond—can be an ally in your weight-loss efforts. They satisfy a craving, which keeps you from reaching for the real junk. More impressive, they’re loaded with healthy fats and protein that satisfy and ………….. read more on this from Brandi Koskie at: http://www.shape.com/weight-loss/food-weight-loss/


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