Is Maca a stimulant?
Maca as an aphrodisiac. Hardly any other effect of the Maca plant is as well known and legendary as its effect on the libido. It is not for nothing that Maca is nicknamed “Viagra Andino” and has a highly stimulating effect on both men and women, although the dosage plays a decisive role, as can be concluded from other contexts. Numerous studies have also been able to prove this effect of the plant.
Dosage and intake of Maca for libido and potency
The intake of Maca can be useful, naturopathic support for potency or libido problems. However, it is not to be understood as a medical recommendation or therapy and does not replace the visit of a doctor or alternative practitioner. People under medical treatment should always discuss the consumption of such potent, naturopathic foods with their doctor.
Duration of intake: In order to support erectile dysfunction, loss of libido or impotence with Maca, a minimum intake period of 6 weeks is to be assumed for a cure according to the present study situation, or an occasional supplementation several times a week depending on the urgency of the symptoms.