How many glasses of water do you really drink in a day? Do you really monitor?
– Not all people do active and accurate monitoring of their water intake.
– Water is one of the most important fluid our body could ever have.
– Is it scientifically proven that 8 glasses of water is the MINIMUM required intake in a day?
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It has been said that our bodies are made of more or less ¾ water, and this means that our water intake should also be increased in proportion to the amount of water that is within our body.
Since we were young, we’ve been told that our body needs at least 8 glasses of water in a day, and some people really stick to this requirement. While some, just can’t (or simply won’t) do it. There are so many who question the accuracy of this information and want to know how good water really is for the body in general.
Experts want the public to know and it is emphasized that water is really important as it provides hydration and balance to our body, aside from fiber. Water could also be very useful in weightloss processes.
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