Nutritionists And Dietitians: KALE 🥦 Is NOT Part Of 2019’s BEST Superfoods


As this year 2019 unfolds halfway to the end, a new list of BEST superfoods has been released.

– Kale USED TO BE everyone’s favorite superfoods.
– Apparently, this year, it is no longer that popular.
– With so many new superfoods coming out, who can blame the fast turnaround?

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A lot of people rely on lists given by professionals, such as registered nutritionists and dietitians, to know which superfoods are the best and which ones to consume more.

Last year, the top 10 BESt superfoods list was released and KALE has always been part of the top performing produce.

This year, although we are still halfway through it, a new and updated list was recently released and unfortunately for kale lovers, it’s no longer part of the list. The said list was concluded from the choices made by over a thousand professional nutritionists and dietitians.

So what are the new inclusions of the list then?

Mostly, the list included fermented food products, and it may come a bit of a surprise to some people and not really shocking to others who knew all along with the benefits of these products.

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Read more of the details here –