Most of us know bananas are rich in potassium, packed with vitamins, and high in flavor.
However, there are plenty of other unexpected reasons to love this popular fruit. Here are 12 of them. Did you know:
Bananas Assist With Weight Loss?
Bananas are a nutritious snack option at about 100 calories a serving. But, they’ve got much more than that going for them.
The average banana contains three grams of fiber, much more than the 0.9 grams in a plum and the 0.6 grams in a cup of sliced watermelon.
With all that fiber, bananas will help you feel full and keep cravings at bay.
Chicago’s Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation found you don’t even need to eat one to get the effect.
Just sniff a banana when you’re hungry and you can fool your brain into thinking you’ve already eaten one.
Bananas Ease Hangovers?
The high levels of potassium in bananas aren’t just useful for aiding organ, tissue, and cell function.
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This element is one of the valuable electrolytes your body loses on a night of night drinking.
Bananas also improve bowel function, so they’ll sort out a hangover-induced upset stomach.
Because Potassium isn’t produced naturally by the body, that’s why it is very important to eat potassium-rich foods.
When you eat not enough potassium, this can lead to serious health situations.
Potassium is an electrolyte because it’s highly reactive in water and when in water, it produces positively charged ions. That’s the reason, why the potassium-rich Banana can help to ease a hangover. Good to know, right?
Can Bananas empower your brain? To learn more go to hit the next page button below now!