This Spice May Be Good For Weightloss And Healthy Nutrition 🤔


Do you know that you can do so much more with garlic besides just eating it?

-According to the British Dietetic Association (BDA), garlic is rich in vitamins and other antioxidants.
-Garlic has been used for treating enlarged prostates, diarrhea, high blood pressure, and swine flu.
-Current evidence on garlic health claims does not support the use of garlic supplements to improve health.

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Garlic is considered as an everyday superfood. It is a nutrient-dense food considered to be highly beneficial for one’s health and well-being.

It has many uses, however, aside from adding flavor to your dishes. Garlic powder, garlic oil, and fresh garlic are good ways to add flavor not only in food but in beverages as well.

Garlic oil can sometimes be applied to the skin or nails as a treatment for warts, corns, and thrush. Some people also use it to prevent hair loss and fungal infections.

Garlic produces a chemical called allicin. It is a pungent oily liquid with antibacterial properties which seems to be the reason why garlic works for certain conditions.

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