Suffering From Hair Loss? Try These Superfoods!

Suffering Hairloss

Are those beautiful locks that once decorated your mane retreating fast? It can be really alarming to wake up in the morning and find several fallen hair follicles on the pillow, or find them in the shower net while you are bathing. MPB or male pattern baldness is a common problem among men, and reasons could be many – poor diet, stress, genetic disorder, underlying illness, reaction from hair products and so on.

What causes hair loss in men and women?

Both men and women need to ensure that they eat healthy and keep their scalp clean and healthy to prevent hair loss. If you are experiencing thinning of hair, brittle hair, or sudden hair loss it always makes sense to see a doctor and get yourself tested for any underlying illness that may be responsible for it. Improving your diet may also cause a marked difference in stopping hair loss, and some of the superfoods that can help treat hair loss.

Hair loss postpartum

The hormonal changes during pregnancy can also be seen externally, especially on skin, nails and hair. Most women, when they are pregnant, have stronger hair than before in addition to a particularly clean and radiant skin.

The reason for this is the increased oestrogen levels. The hormone keeps the hair follicles in the growth phase (anagen phase), which prolongs the life of the hair and makes it grow.

Immediately after birth, however, oestrogen levels fall rapidly and many hair follicles simultaneously enter the resting phase (telogen phase) – the so-called postpartum effluvium, the hair loss after pregnancy, begins. In most cases, hair loss after pregnancy and birth occurs a few weeks to 5 months after delivery.

How long does hair loss last after pregnancy?

In most cases, hormone levels normalise after three to six months and the hair’s life cycle returns to normal. In some cases, however, it can take up to a year before the hair loss subsides after pregnancy and hormonal changes.

Superfoods can prevent hair loss?

Yes, they can and to a great extent.

Spinach tops the list of superfoods to prevent hair loss, as it contains high quantities of nutrients and antioxidants. It is an amazing source of vitamins B, C, and E, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids which are essential for healthy and glowing hair. You can enjoy spinach puree or salad and pave way for healthy hair.

As you know the hair follicles are primarily made of protein hence eating high amounts of protein is essential for healthy hair. Egg is one of the best sources of protein and it also contains biotin and B vitamins that play a major role in preventing hair loss problems.

Beans are incredible superfoods and they are good for hair too as they are good sources of protein, fiber, zinc, B vitamins, vitamin C, and minerals so include more beans in your diet. You can make beans salad or puree them into dips and spreads.

Salmon is a fatty fish that is good for your brain, skin, and hair too! This superfood is an awesome source of omega 3 fatty acids which boosts hair growth. Salmon contains protein with B vitamins, B12, and other important vitamins and minerals.

Other superfoods worth mentioning for their effective results in slowing down hair loss are oats, carrots, nuts, sunflower seeds, and sweet potatoes.

Superfood for beautiful hair

“True beauty comes from within.”

We all know this saying. This is particularly true for our hair: Not only is care from the outside essential for strong and healthy hair, but also the supply of nutrients through proper nutrition.

Today we’re going to introduce you to a few foods that will also strengthen your hair from the inside out.


Salmon is particularly rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These are very important for our body, they also have a positive effect on the brain metabolism and the cardiovascular system. Since our bodies cannot form them ourselves, we have to consume them daily through food. Salmon is particularly good for the hair because the omega-3 fatty acids stimulate the blood circulation. A well-perfused scalp is the key to good hair growth.


Just like salmon, they are very rich in omega-3 fatty acids. They also donate biotin and vitamin E. A lack of biotin can lead to hair loss, while vitamin E promotes hair growth.
Our hair oil also contains a very high amount of vitamin E.

Dark green vegetables

Green vegetables contain a lot of iron, folic acid and vitamin C. Folic acid in particular helps hair growth because it stimulates cell and tissue renewal. Vegetables: broccoli, chard, kale, spinach

Orange fruits and vegetables

There is a lot of beta carotene in orange fruits and vegetables. This is converted into vitamin A by the body during digestion. This in turn has a major role in the renewal process of the skin – including the scalp!
Fruits and vegetables: apricots, pumpkin, carrots, mango, sweet potatoes, red peppers


The zinc and biotin contained in oatmeal prevents hair loss. Zinc has a large part in the formation of collagen, which helps the body anchor the hair in the scalp. As with biotin, zinc deficiency can lead to hair loss.
If you include the right types of fruit and oatmeal in your breakfast in the morning, you have already done something for healthy and strong hair.


Do you have an inflamed or quickly greasy scalp? Vitamin B6 contained in mushrooms can help alleviate this. It plays an important role in regulating sebum production and is also anti-inflammatory.


Egg is often contained in homemade hair masks. This also makes sense, because our hair consists largely of keratin, which is a protein. A protein-rich egg strengthens the hair both from the outside and from the inside. Furthermore, eggs are rich in amino acids. One of them, cysteine, helps the hair protect itself from damaging sun rays and can also increase the thickness of individual strands of hair.


Hairloss on cats

Hair loss (alopecia) in cats is a phenomenon that occurs in the changing seasons. Therefore, hair loss is initially a natural process to regulate the density of the coat and thus the heat balance of the cat. The life span of a hair is also limited; hair falls out and is replaced by regrowing hair.

One speaks of hair loss or alopecia if more hairs are lost in a cat than are reproduced. Behind the increased hair loss, diseases can also be hidden. Due to severe hair loss the cat’s coat thins out or completely bald spots become visible. In such cases it is important to have the cause clarified by the veterinarian.

What are the causes of hair loss (alopecia) in cats?

Hair loss (alopecia) in cats can have different causes. Disease is not always the cause – even the seasonal change of the cat from dense winter coat to thinner summer coat is naturally associated with hair loss. But there are also pathological causes of hair loss in cats.

Possible causes of hair loss in cats are:

  • Seasonal hair loss
  • Infestation with skin parasites, e.g. fleas, mites
  • Fungal diseases of the skin and other infections
  • Excessive licking from nervousness, stress, frustration or boredom (Psychogenic Licking Alopecia)
  • Allergies of the cat
  • Injuries and inflammations
  • General stress in the cat
  • fever, infections, deficiency diseases
  • Hormonal and metabolic disorders (e.g. hyperthyroidism in cats)
  • Side effects of medication
  • Autoimmune diseases in cats
  • Rarely in older cats: Tumour diseases (Feline paraneoplastic alopecia)

Hairloss from stress

Healthy hair is not only beautiful to look at, but also a sign of general well-being, because: If the body does not feel well, this is expressed by various signs – hair loss is one of them. Stress in particular affects the entire system and can therefore also be a reason for hair loss (as a consequence). In this article, you will learn which forms of stress lead to hair loss, what you can do about it and how you can prevent it.

Stress can lead to any form of hair loss

It is often underestimated how serious stress can be on the body. The assessment that stress “only” affects the psyche and simply wrong. At the same time it is important to distinguish between different types of stress:

Physical stress: Stress is not only psychological. A serious illness or excessive weight training also puts the organism under pressure, and thus under stress, and accordingly this stress manifests itself in negative form physically and psychologically.

Emotional stress: The better known form of stress, which you have certainly experienced yourself. Due to special events, such as the upcoming deadline for a big project on the job, a separation or a death, for example, you feel overwhelmed and are thus under constant emotional strain. This cannot go well in the long run.

Just as there are different forms of stress, there are also different types of hair loss – and all of them can be caused by stress:

  • Alopecia areata, the circular hair loss
  • Diffuse hair loss
  • Androgenetic hair loss, also called hereditary hair loss

Especially the latter may surprise you. Of course, the actual cause can be found in the genes, but these only predict an increased chance of suffering from androgenetic hair loss. The trigger for the outbreak can still be stress.

Hair loss on the legs and its causes

Hair loss on the legs in men can be caused by clothing. Hair loss on the legs can have different causes. Often there is a completely harmless reaction due to friction. Because tight-fitting trouser legs cause a high abrasion impulse at the same places all the time, which can cause hair to fall out.

Rather rarely but quite possible is the loss of hair on the legs in connection with Alopecia universalis. With this disease, the affected person runs out of hair on the entire body. It is a massive form of Alopecia areata.

How much hair loss is normal?

Who doesn’t know this: after washing your hair, you find a small ball of hair in the sink, shower or bathtub. After combing, hair remains in the brush and comb. Depending on how often we wash, brush or comb our hair, we see more or less hair that has gone out.

Between 70,000 and 140,000 hairs are normally on the head of every person. A hair loss of up to 110 hairs a day is quite normal. But you don’t have to count. It is also normal to see a decrease in hair density in women during pregnancy (temporarily) and in general with age.

However, if you notice that the hair grows back thinner in certain areas (such as the crown, top of the head, back of the head) or does not grow back at all, you should have an examination by your doctor. There are various examination methods that dermatologists use to determine whether there is pathological hair loss and which disease is the cause.

Stages of hair growth

Every hair has a growth phase of several years. It lasts 6 years on average. Then the life of a hair ends. The hair follicle from which the individual hair grows is converted (catagen phase, 1 to 2 weeks). Then the hair follicle forms a new hair in the depth. It grows and pushes the old hair out of the follicle and thus out of the scalp (telogen phase). This phase lasts 2 to 4 months until the old hair falls out.

The hairs are in different phases, so they do not all fall out at once. This normally ensures an evenly dense hair growth.

Hairloss eye brows

In recent years, eyebrows have increasingly become the focus of make-up artists. While thin, plucked eyebrows were still trendy in the nineties, strong hair growth is now considered the ideal of beauty because it gives the face more expression.

Instead of plucking the hairs with tweezers to form a thin line, the curves are emphasized with styling gel, powder, pens or permanent make-up (“microblading”). In addition, there are special eyebrow serums that are supposed to lead to more hair growth.

But what can you do if your eyebrows fall out? Hair loss on the head can be hormonal, stress, genetic or disease related. This also applies to the loss of hair on the eyebrows.

Hair loss on the eyebrows can also be caused by stress.

Possible causes of hair loss at the eyebrows

Hormonal causes in women can be during the menopause or during or after pregnancy, as the oestrogen level in the blood changes during this time. But also during menstruation or after stopping the contraceptive pill, the eyebrows may thicken in the meantime.

Metabolic diseases that can cause eyebrow loss include diabetes mellitus or hypothyroidism, as well as thyroiditis (“Hashimoto’s thyroiditis”).

In cases of hyperthyroidism, hair growth is accelerated by the increased production of thyroid hormones. However, this is also the reason why they fall out again more quickly. In the case of hypofunction, however, eyebrow growth is impaired by a lack of thyroid hormones.

A blood test at your family doctor can quickly provide information about your health status and at the same time clarify whether you are suffering from a vitamin or nutrient deficiency due to a special diet. If the blood test does not provide any results, a hair analysis is still possible.

Vitamine deficiency hair loss

Vitamin deficiency increases the risk of hair loss. Everything is in perfect order and suddenly hair loss sets in. The blood check turns out wonderful and the family doctor says: You are in perfect health.

Her hair still falls out. And no one will find your vitamin deficiency. No one’s looking for a vitamin deficiency either. But how is a vitamin deficiency related to hair loss?

When a hair falls out, the hair root normally remains in the scalp and the hair grows back. The lost hair is thus constantly renewed and the loss takes place in secret.

If there is talk of hair loss, more hair falls out and the lost hair grows back only sparsely. As a result, the volume of the hair decreases.

The causes of hair loss include thyroid diseases, side effects of medication, hormonal imbalances, skin diseases, chemotherapy or very often stress and psychological strain.

If a vitamin deficiency is behind the hair loss, an increased supply of nutrients – through a vital substance-rich alkaline surplus diet or also through targeted dietary supplements – can help the hair back on its feet.

Five vitamins against hair loss

Of course, basically all vitamins, minerals and trace elements are important for hair health. However, five vitamins play a particularly important role in promoting hair growth.

They prevent vitamin deficiency and prevent or remedy hair loss that has occurred as a result of such a deficiency.

  • Vitamin C promotes hair growth
  • Vitamin D prevents hair loss
  • Vitamin E accelerates hair growth
  • Vitamin B activates the hair root
  • Vitamin A cares for the hair follicles

Hair loss after surgery

Effect of anaesthesia on the organism. Of course the surgery is not directly related to hair loss. The hair loss is more or less an expression of the physical strain that the body experienced during the operation.

The human organism has a relatively simple structure. If a life-threatening injury occurs or if a person is in a threatening situation, the body first supplies the organs with blood and oxygen that are necessary for survival.

Regions of the body that are not important for survival are not supplied with enough oxygen at these times. And this can be the hair.

The fact that surgery and hair loss are closely related can also be seen from the hair structure. If you consider that drug abuse, alcohol addiction and medication can be seen in the hair structure under the microscope.

Even months after the incident, you can imagine that even anaesthesia leaves traces in the hair itself. It is therefore quite understandable that many patients complain about hair loss after an operation, which often occurs with a time lag.

Duration of hair loss after surgery

Fortunately, increased hair loss after surgery does not last long and hair health is restored. Probably only the hair roots that are in a certain growth phase are damaged. Hair loss can in turn be curbed with natural products and a healthy and balanced lifestyle.