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Acne and progesterone are two major concepts that bothered most of the medical professionals as they talked about the causes and treatments of acne.
As you may know, acne is a common chronic skin disorder that affects millions of people of every age, gender, and race.
In fact, almost ninety percent of the world’s total populations are victims of acne.
According to certain studies, acne and progesterone shows a certain connection in terms of causes and treatment.
The connection between acne and progesterone appears to be more evident with the fact that progesterone is deemed as one of the factors that trigger the formation and development of acne, while others have considered that progesterone is necessary for fighting acne.
To explain the connection between acne and progesterone, certain studies have found out that during the menstrual period, a possible cause for acne formation, there is basically a hormonal imbalances as the progesterone secretion increase prior to the menstruation.
It has been highly noted that in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, progesterone is actually secreted abundantly by the corpus lutcum. As this occurs, the body then takes up great amount of pantothenic acid from the body’s pantothenic pool leading to a re-distribution of the vitamin as well as placing enormous pressure on the fatty acid metabolism.
The idea on the connection between acne and progesterone further holds that when such metabolic process is moving poorly or not performing satisfactorily, the lipid then starts to form into a mass in the sebaceous glands, which are the oil producing glands.
This is now where the acne and progesterone relationship becomes much evident as an increase in sebum is excreted with such process and acne, no doubt, follows.
Given such beliefs, most of the experts who are studying the link between acne and progesterone concluded such mentioned process is the main reason that even though the hormone progesterone has really no known impact on the activity of the oil producing glands, a skyrocketing level of progesterone in the late stage of the luteal phase basically leaves the acne victim with a prominent breakout.
Further studies are still conducted to know the real connection between acne and progesterone. Many have thought that acne and progesterone are in a close bond as progesterone helps to eliminate acne.
This is basically the reason that you may see some products out there highlighting progesterone as a treatment for acne. However, many still deemed that progesterone is but one of the minor factors that trigger the formation of acne. Whatever the findings maybe, acne is but a chronic disorder that needs personal attention.
What is hormonal acne and how does this problem arise?
As already explained, acne mostly occurs due to hormonal fluctuations in the body. Hormones play a key role in the development of acne. Because, they are not only responsible for the production of sebum and cell growth, but are also linked to hyperkeratosis.
This is a cornification disorder where the skin is too horny. This then leads to impurities and blackheads. The hormones at work with acne and other impurities are, above all, the male sex hormones androgens, the growth hormones, insulin and the growth factor IGF-1, which is similar to insulin.
In particular, the androgens, the male sex hormones, are responsible for acne. Because, without these, the blemishes would not come about because acne is an androgen-mediated disease. People with androgen deficiency or who have a problem with the androgen receptors therefore usually have no acne.
The following androgens are particularly responsible for the development of acne
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S)
Testosterone (T)
Although an increased androgen level is not observed in all cases of acne (after all, we learned that there are various causes and reasons for acne in adulthood), many point to a direct connection between acne and the androgens.
Certain enzymes are in fact active in the formation of the androgens testosterone and DHT, and these enzymes are particularly active in people with acne. It is also possible that acne-afflicted skin is very sensitive to androgens due to its inherited disposition.
An increased androgen level can be recognized by the following physical characteristics:
Increased hair growth
A deep voice
insulin resistance
A disease of polycystic ovary syndrome
Missing or irregular menstrual cycles
If you suspect an increased androgen level in yourself, then you should see a doctor. This is because he can determine the exact value and then suggest possible treatment options. The birth control pill is often prescribed because it contains estrogen. These female sex hormones are an antagonist of the androgens and cause a decrease in sebum production.
What is Acne Vulgaris?
Acne vulgaris is one of the most common skin diseases and its mild course affects a large part of the population at least for a short time. There are various forms of the course, which are different in their aggressiveness and which can deviate from the typical infestation pattern – with the face as a characteristic localization.
So-called comedones (blackheads) appear as primary efflorescence, which are hemispherical in shape, secrete whitish secretion under pressure and can develop into inflammatory papules, pustules or even abscesses and nodules.
The symptoms of Acne Vulgaris typically begin in early puberty and usually stop. spontaneously at the latest in the course of the third decade of life. In addition to a genetic predisposition, other factors such as seborrhea, hyperkeratosis and the male sex are also considered.
The therapy of Acne Vulgaris is usually composed of various local agents that counteract hyperkeratosis and cleanse the skin. If the course is severe, systemic, e.g. antibiotic or cornification measures may be necessary.
Acne FaceMap
What exactly is face mapping?
Nothing more than dividing your face into zones. Similar to a map, your face can be divided into about 14 Zones, some that even appear on both halves of the face, others that can only be found in the T zone, for example.
Zone 1 and 3: The forehead
Back to the pimple on the forehead and why it manifested there is easy to explain – you will most likely have problems with your digestive system and / or even your bladder.
Zone 2: Between the eyebrows
Also known as the third eye, the pimple is between the eyebrows. What that means is that your liver is ringing the alarm and when there is a lot of alcohol involved.
Zone 4,6,8,10: Temple & ears
Pimples on the ears (and often in the auricle) are painful and can indicate kidney problems. On top of that, if your ears feel hot very often during the day, then your body is warning you to drink more water.
Zone 7: The nose
Those who have never had a pimple on the tip of their nose can count themselves among the lucky ones among us. A pimple in the middle of the face, immediately visible to everyone, can indicate problems with the heart. Don’t worry, there can be several factors, such as Blood pressure or even vitamin B deficiency.
Zone 5 & 9: Cheeks
What does a pimple mean that can be seen on your pretty cheekbones? It is often said here, pay attention to your respiratory system.
Zone 14: Neck
On the side of the neck or towards the cleavage – this often means that your body is busy working against bacteria and your immune system. In addition to the flu, stress can also trigger pimples. Both should not be ignored and you should try to counteract them.
Zone 11, 12, 13: Chin area
We all had pimples around our mouths. They look terrible and usually hurt too. What is to blame? Most of the time it is stress or even a hormonal change triggered by the rule.
Acne Forehead
Acne breakouts on the forehead are common. The forehead is part of the T-zone, an area that collects excess oil more easily than other parts of the face. The excess oil causes clogged pores that are blocked by bacteria, which leads to pimples and breakouts.
You can remove acne on your forehead very quickly by learning better habits and following a simple forehead acne treatment to oxygenate your skin. You will usually notice results after a few weeks. However, this is only the case if you are prepared to fight acne for a long time against your forehead.
Acne On Chest
Pimples can be observed very often not only on the face but also on the chest. They often occur in combination with small blackheads. Then the picture widens from red pimples to cysts.
When does acne appear on the chest?
If you have mild acne, you will notice that it disappears after a few days. Symptoms such as itching and pain can hardly be documented in this case. Pimples on the chest are nothing special even in adults, because an appearance usually disappears very quickly.
However, if the pores are blocked by sebum and become inflamed, cysts can also form. On the one hand, these are very visible and, on the other hand, they can be felt very well. Then the healing process can no longer bring back the original skin, because cysts always leave ugly scars.
Acne On The Neck
Blemished skin with pimples or blackheads is not only annoying and unattractive. There are regions on the body where pimples are particularly noticeable and, moreover, are the worst that can heal and become painful. The particularly unpopular results of blemished skin certainly include the pimples on the neck.
The appearance of acne on the neck
Pimples in the neck Basically, pimples are the result of clogged and inflamed sebum glands on the skin. This constipation is usually the result of a large number of dead skin cells entering the sebaceous glands. So if the skin is already negatively affected by environmental influences, inappropriate clothing or unhealthy nutrition, it cannot cope with the dead skin flakes in large numbers.
Always consult your doctor for advise!!