What are the Healthiest 🍅 Foods And Superfoods?

The latest Dietary Guidelines the 2015 guidelines won’t be out probably until January 2016 have a chapter on food components to reduce.

But when they say things like reduce intake of solid fats major sources of saturated and trans fatty acids.

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What does that mean in terms of which foods to reduce similarly there’s a chapter on nutrients we should increase our intake of so-called short fall nutrients.

But when they say we need more magnesium for example what does that mean in terms of actual food let’s look at 20 different types of foods to see based on the federal guideline criteria which foods are the healthiest and which foods are the least healthy.

To illustrate I’ll use traffic light labeling like the UK sound signpost system which assigns colors for like green meeting go yellow amber meaning caution and red meaning stop and think before you put it in your mouth.

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Added sugars is easy anyone could have guessed sweets and soda but there’s often surprising levels even in savory snack foods like Ritz crackers which I’m using as my snack example.

The top 5 offenders are basically soda donuts kool-aid ice cream and candy next is caloric density calories per serving we’re oils join dessert and process snack foods.

As the worst the one cannot consider eggs fish nuts and seeds poultry other meat or soda to be low calorie foods the top 5 sources of calories in the American diet a–basically desserts bread chicken soda and pizza can you guess where our cholesterol is found.

Desserts dairy eggs fish chicken and other meat number one by far is eggs but then chicken contributes more cholesterol to the American diet than beef then cheese and pork here are the foods high in saturated fat coming from.

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Dairy donuts dairy chicken salt levels highest in lunch meat and snack foods but Americans give most of their sodium from bread chicken and pizza about half of our food groups here have trans fatty.

Either naturally or artificially added or created cakes cookies crackers pies and Donuts number one then animal products margarine french fries chips and microwave popcorn now to the nutrients Green is a high source pale green as a medium source and white is a poor source for calcium fiber magnesium potassium vitamin A vitamin c vitamin d vitamin E and vitamin K