Green Leafy Vegetables In Your Diet?

How Can I Harvest Herbs

Dark green leafy vegetables may not taste as good as they sound but including them in your diet is a must if you want a healthy mind and body. These green superfoods are not only cheap but they are available abundantly in the market. What’s more? They also have amazing health benefits that we have discuss in detail in this post.

Green leaves are powerhouses of chlorophyll?

Green leafy vegetables are rich sources of chlorophyll, which provides plants with the essential nutrients that they require. They are also useful for the human body as it strengthens the immunity, supports human body to fight against cancer, and also aids in neutralizing the metabolic wastes. All green veggies such as spinach, green olives, parsley, lettuce, fenugreek leaves, coriander leaves, asparagus, bell peppers, green beans, green peas, kale, turnip greens broccoli, green cabbage, celery, collard greens contain concentrated amounts of chlorophyll.

Green leafy vegetables are rich sources of magnesium?

The chlorophyll content present in the dark green leafy vegetables contains high amounts of magnesium, which is an alkaline mineral. Thus chlorophyll containing superfoods have a powerful alkalizing effect on the body. Magnesium aids in delivering the much required oxygen to tissues, cells, aids in bone formation, and also ensures muscle function and optimal nerve. Magnesium is useful for cardiovascular system, nervous system, digestive system, kidneys, liver, muscles, brain, and hormone secreting glands.

Green veggies can rebuild red blood cells?

The chlorophyll found in green veggies boasts a molecular structure that is similar to the hemoglobin; hence consuming dark green superfoods helps in replenishing and rebuilding the red blood cells. It boosts energy levels and improves the overall health instantly. Eating green leafy vegetables or enjoying a green smoothie is a great way to restore your health.

How to eat your green leaf vegetables for best results?

Besides the chlorophyll content, the dark green leafy vegetables are also nutritional powerhouses of vitamins, minerals and phyto-nutrients. If you don’t like eating bland green veggies, include them in salads and soups to get the health benefits while pampering your tastebuds too!

The USDA recommends that you consume at least half cup of green leafy vegetables every day to prevent nutritional deficiencies and fatal diseases. For best benefits, consume veggies raw, lightly steamed or made into a smoothie.

Why green leaves veggies?

They have disappeared before the vegetables are even on the shelf or in the display of the market stall: the green leaves and herbs of carrots, kohlrabi, beetroot and co. If they do find their way into our kitchen, they usually end up unnoticed in the organic waste at the beginning of the preparation. Vegetable leaves are not only healthy, they often contain more vitamins and other nutrients than the tubers that go with them.

Those who no longer want to miss these vital substance bombs can conjure up and refine green smoothies, salads, stews, pestos and other healthy dishes with the leaves of numerous types of vegetables.

The easiest way is to process the aromatic green in home-made stock or to make vegetable broth powder or vegetable seasoning paste. The vegetable leftovers can also be frozen and collected. But more sophisticated dishes are also possible, just try it out! You will see that the supposed “waste” is in no way inferior to the rest of the fruit.

Green equals healthy?

The whole parade – the darker green the better – is healthy for the cardiovascular system, has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol and improves blood flow. Some of the ingredients in the green probably reduce the risk of several types of cancer. Leafy vegetables are also very important for the eye: they have a particularly high lutein content (covered in green chlorophyll). Lutein can help maintain vision in old age and prevent age-related macular degeneration (AMD) or its deterioration.

Reasons enough to enjoy the “rabbit food”. We would like to introduce some green leafy vegetables from the cabbage and chicory families, which have a special feature: They all contain bitter compounds.

Bitter? Delicate and attractive! It is true that the sensation of taste “bitter” is also a warning sign against possibly poisonous substances (example: bitter almonds contain prussic acid), and we have an innate aversion to this: infants spit out bitter and acid immediately. “Sweet” and “umami”, the “meaty taste”, on the other hand, signal harmless and rich food.

But finely dosed by nature, bitter substances give foods from artichoke to lemon that certain something. Bitter foods enliven the tongue with contrasts: think of pasta with butter and sage, grapefruit with sweet strawberries, a steak with dandelion salad, braised chicory with cheese – delicious, isn’t it?

Good to know

Vegetables contain many vitamins, minerals, trace elements and other plant substances. Depending on the type of vegetable, they contain vitamins of the B group, vitamin C, provitamin A (carotene). Minerals and trace elements include iron, manganese, copper, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium.

There are also citric, malic and tartaric acids, chlorophyll, the green pigment of plants, essential oils and sulphur-containing compounds. Rich in nutrients and low in calories – not only these two properties make vegetables the ideal food, they also contain dietary fibres which are built up by the plant as a structural substance for the cell walls.