Can allergies cause sore throat?

can allergies cause sore throat

Can allergies cause sore throat? A scratchy, sore throat: While most people think of the onset of a cold at the first sign of a sore throat, an allergy can also be the trigger for difficulty swallowing and a sore throat.

Particularly in the case of long-lasting complaints in the throat and pharynx area, those affected should also think of a possible allergy. Because only if the allergy is treated properly, the sore throat can be relieved.

Difficulty swallowing and sore throat as a result of an allergy

In the case of an allergy, the mucous membranes in the nose are often affected first. They swell and force breathing through the mouth, allowing allergens to enter the body directly. However, the mucous membranes in the throat are much more sensitive and are severely weakened by the allergens.

The dried-out mucous membranes hurt and can also hardly defend themselves against invading bacteria. The result is a sore throat and difficulty swallowing due to an allergy.

Whether a sore throat is an allergy or the first signs of a cold is often not easy to recognize. In the case of an allergy, the other symptoms besides sore throat and difficulty swallowing also resemble the accompanying symptoms of a common cold:

  • – runny nose
  • – fatigue
  • – muscle pain
  • – possibly even fever

If the symptoms persist for a longer period of time without a clear worsening, this can be an indication of an allergy. Specific symptoms such as itchy eyes may also indicate this.

Cold or allergy? It is important to know the cause of the discomfort, to consider other options for the treatment of sore throat.

Can allergies cause sore throat?

Here’s how to diagnose allergy as the trigger. If it is suspected that the persistent sore throat is the symptom of an allergy, an allergy test by an ENT specialist can confirm the suspicion. A simple prick test quickly provides information about possible allergens.

In this test, various triggers such as grass, animal hair or tree pollen in a solution are inserted into the skin with a fine needle. At most, the patient feels a slight prick. The results are visible after just a few minutes in the form of a red swelling or redness. In this way, the allergy as a possible cause of sore throat and difficulty swallowing can finally be clarified.

Falls days are crisp and clean, but you can still find yourself sneezing and sniffling due to the pollen allergies. If you are one of the thirty million Americans that suffer from hay fever or allergic rhinitis at this time of the year, we will tell you how to prevent fall allergies with natural remedies.

Ragweed pollen is the most common culprit of the fall allergies and there are about seventeen varieties of these pollens that grow in America, and these pollens are carried by wind to different parts of the country.

Butterbur herb

This is an effective herb that is capable of controlling the symptoms of hay fever according to Dr. Russell Blaylock. A recent study has shown that using this European herb can effectively alleviate symptoms of hay fever. However remember not to combine any medicine with the herb as this might cause an overdose.

Quercetin antioxidant

This antioxidant can be found in vegetables and fruits including onions and apples. It works like an inflammatory agent and helps suppress allergic symptoms. A recent study showed that quercetin supplements can significantly reduce irritation and itching in the eyes, caused due to pollen allergies.

Is stinging nettle useful?

Studies have shown that extracts of stinging nettle can alleviate allergy symptoms like sniffles and sneezes. It is recommended that you take dried extracts of stinging nettle daily for best results.

How can Vitamin D help?

Research done at Harvard University has confirmed a connection between low levels of vitamin D and asthma and allergies. Women who take vitamin D during pregnancy reduce the risk of developing asthma in children up to 40 percent.

Honey to prevent your body from pollens?

This awesome superfood from flowers and plants helps reduce the risk of pollen allergens during fall season. You may include one to three spoon of locally made raw honey in your diet to reduce pollen allergy and stay healthy.