Superfood Tip: What Makes Green Tea a Superfood?

Freshly brewed green tea in a glass teapot.

Who would have thought that you could drink a superfood?

The next superfood is green tea, and the reason why green tea is a superfood is it’s actually loaded with very powerful antioxidants.

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Video summary:

And antioxidants prevent the free radicals in your body from creating disease, and they specifically reduce cancer and heart disease, suppressed immune function and accelerated aging.

So one of the things that I do with green tea is when my clients come to me and they’re looking for a way to reduce the amount of caffeine in their diet.

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I’ll suggest that they incorporate green tea in the afternoon if they’re looking for a little caffeine boost, where you can start your morning off with some coffee and then if you’re looking for a lift in the afternoon, a healthier way to do it would be going with green tea.

When you incorporate green tea into your diet you’re not only getting a bit of caffeine but you’re getting those antioxidants that are so healthy for you. Learn more in the video!