Superfoods: What Are They And Why Are They Good For You?

The word has been used (and sometimes overused) nowadays, but what do they really do?

-Superfoods are relatively new to the market but have gained so much popularity.
-Foods that fall under this category are rich in substances that have been shown to prevent certain diseases as well as other health benefits.
-There are many different types of superfood available on the market now.

Good To Know ➡ What Are The Nutrients In 🥝 Superfoods?

One of the most popular buzzwords in the health food industry recently is the term “superfood”. You hear the word a lot, but the truth is not everyone actually knows and understands what it means.

The term refers to foods that are so densely-packed in vitamins, antioxidants, flavonoids, and minerals. These include fruits in the berry family (e.g. acai, goji, blueberry), different types of tea, as well as green leafy vegetables which have been known to have heart disease and cancer prevention properties.

However, superfoods are not a panacea for every existing disease or illness out there. Every ounce may offer maximum nutritional benefits with minimal calorie count, but eating a few of them on top of a poor diet will not solve the problem.

Read the full text of this article by Megan Ware in