Superfoods are called so for a reason, and they are capable of taking you an extra mile when it comes to staying healthy and fit. Besides purging toxins from your body and cutting the fat, superfoods are also known to fight various types of diseases including heart disease, high cholesterol, cancer and many more.
If you have still not incorporated superfoods in your diet, it is high time you start eating these foods that will make you super healthy.
Dark chocolate:
All those who thought eating chocolate was not healthy can now blissfully much on them and it is capable of improving the heart health, reducing risk of blood clots, increasing the blood flow to the brain, and lowering blood pressure. Besides ensuring that you stay healthy, dark chocolate also raises the serotonin and endorphin levels inside the brain and this uplifts moods.
Flax and chia seeds:
These seeds are rich in Omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids, and they also have a perfect balance. These seeds contain high amounts of manganese, calcium, phosphorus, dietary fibre proteins, carbohydrates, various vitamins and minerals. It aids in lubricating the bowel functions, promotes skin tone and enhances immunity.
Leafy greens for high amounts of vitamins?
Leafy greens:
Count on leafy greens when you want to give your body high amounts of vitamins A, C and K. The leafy greens range from spinach and coriander to dill and lettuce, and the mustard leaves are heat-producing. They are awesome sources of iron, calcium and vegetable-based protein. They also have antioxidants that purify blood and keep skin clean.
Fermented foods:
Yes, the fermented foods work like amazing superfoods, consume more of quick pickles, miso, and sauerkraut that contain digestive enzymes. They are capable of breaking down the food and providing better assimilation. They also provide good probiotics and are natural cleansers for individualā€™s digestive and bad yeasts problems.
Pistachios and nuts:
These dry fruits are lowest in calories and they work like great snack items. The pistas are also high in nutrients such as protein, potassium, copper, phosphorous, magnesium and vitamin B6. They also contain high doses of essential fatty acids for practically numerous body functions. They are high in fiber and eating them between meals will not only manage your waist line but also lower your cholesterol levels.