How Can I Start My Own Organic 🥦 Vegetable Garden?


Wish you could have fresh, flavorful vegetables right at your fingertips all season long? Do you want to be confident that your vegetables are safe for your family to eat? Well, you can have all that and more.

Growing your own organic vegetable garden not only assures fresh, safe, great tasting vegetables all season long; it also provides you with exercise, stress relief, and the knowledge that your hard work is accomplishing great things for your family.

If this sounds like something you’d love to try, here are a few tips you need to know before you get started.

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The first thing you need to do is to prepare your humus for the soil. Ideally, you should start composting well ahead of time so you can simply recycle your yard waste and not have to buy store fertilizers.

Making my own ferilizers?

Even though you can purchase organic fertilizers, making your own is better. To make a compost pile: just throw your fallen leaves, grass clippings, and other plant matter into a bin or pile and stir periodically. This will eventually decompose into quality humus to fertilize your soil.

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In addition to your compost humus, there are other natural ingredients you can add to build nutrients in your garden soil.

Is manure a great natural fertilizer?

Manure is a great natural fertilizer, but it’s best found locally rather than bought from a store. You may also have to add natural ingredients to the soil if the pH balance is off.

If the pH of your soil is below 6, add crushed egg, clam, or oyster shells. If your pH is above 7.5, lower it by mulching with wood chips or sawdust.

These treatments, along with other organic additives, can take a while to work. You want to prepare the soil up to 6 weeks before planting to make sure the conditions are optimal.

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Need to choose the right vegetables?

Before you can plant, you need to pick the right vegetables. You should buy organically grown seedlings. If you can’t find any, just sprout your own seeds.

This way you can be sure there are no chemicals going into your vegetables at any stage of growth. You also want to be sure that the variety you buy isn’t genetically altered in any way.

While these plants might grow better looking fruits and vegetables, they produce less flavorful and less healthy fruits and veggies.

Once your garden is planted, you can naturally repel pests and fertilize the soil by companion planting. This means you plant more than one crop in the same area.

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What to do with insect problems?

If you have an insect problem, you can find plants to repel specific pests. If you have larger animals eating your plants, you can choose vine vegetables that furry friends prefer not to cross over.

If you choose complementary plants, this can also be used to restore nutrients to the soil. You want to be sure to rotate out different vegetables every year to further build soils.

Creating your own organic vegetable garden can require a lot of work and research, but once you bite into your first perfect vegetable, you’ll realize that it was well worth the effort.