Hoping To Have A Healthy, Long Life? A Nutritionist From Harvard Wants You To Eat These Superfoods

Longevity is a main goal in life but you must also be healthy in order to avoid complications when you reach your senior years. To do that, a nutritionist from Harvard recommends these superfoods.

To live long and healthy, there are a lot of superfoods one must consume.
– One of these superfoods is salmon, which is heart-friendly.
– Another is yogurt, this superfood has no…

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Teresa Fung, an assistant professor of nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, nuts are on the top of her list.

They are high in healthy fats so this superfood prevents one from acquiring cardiovascular diseases. Salmon is another superfood that Fung tries to eat as much as she could because of the omega-3 fats, which are also healthy for the heart.

Blueberries are also in her list. She said that one must consume half a cup of this superfood every day.

She also believes yogurt will help one be healthy and live long. This superfood has no saturated fats.

Read the rest of A. Pawlowski’s informative story here – https://www.today.com