
How is Dr. Gloria Chacon connected with Maca? (Maca Question Videos)

Dr. Gloria Chacon de Popovici is a renowned biologist from South America who is known to isolate the four alkaloids that are responsible for nutritional and medicinal effects of Maca in 1960. Dr. Chacon has worked with Universities and the United Nations in North and South America to provide a strong commitment and bring about

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Compare Maca to Black Cohosh? (Maca Question Video)

Since centuries Peruvians have used this awesome herb to heal various health ailments. It says Maca may be used without any inhibitions regularly to energize, revitalize, restore and stabilize your body and mind. And it also has great health benefits which includes reducing stress, improving memory and concentration, boosting the immune system, improving the sex

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Is Maca safe for pregnant women? (Maca Question Video)

It has been said that the pregnant women should not take any additional supplements and same holds true for breast feeding mothers because the little ones are very sensitive to diseases and any form of injury in the early development stage may be detrimental. However, it says the cytotoxicity evaluations and acute toxicity studies have

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Pomegranate seeds spilling out from a cut fruit.

Superfoods Can Fight Prostate Cancer In Men?

Superfoods are known to super charge your body and strengthen your immunity to fight disease causing germs. Recently the scientists discovered a few superfoods that can aid in fighting prostate cancer. Both pomegranate and broccoli have been proven to fight the cancer causing diseases, more specifically prostate cancer in men. Other superfoods that are good

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Maca: An Effective Superfood for Fertility?

Maca roots have been considered as a powerful aphrodisiac for millennia, and why not? Scientific researchers have shown that maca can dramatically increase the sexual desires in individuals, and also boost the fertility levels in men and women. The superfood effectively increases a woman’s ability to conceive and this is because the production of luteneinizing

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Assortment of dried mushrooms in a woven basket.

Chef Kalt’s Ideas to Eat Superfoods throughout the Day

Superfoods are good for health but you can’t just survive on superfoods alone, so Chef Steven Kalt, a highly acclaimed chef and restaurateur shares with you a good way that can help you eat superfoods throughout the day without getting yourself deprived of your favorite dishes. Superfoods are best when you have them sprinkled in

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