And we think we’ve figured out a large part of how that works and now we’re mimicking that with molecules is the is the idea that you can mimic it with molecules and it will be as effective as intermittent fasting.
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Video Summary:
So what are you doing personally. Well you know most of the time I’m in the lab and trying to run a bunch of companies to make these drugs a reality but daily I try to keep a healthy weight.
I do intermittent fasting which is pretty easy because I’m so busy I forget to eat. How many hours to give yourself a minute.
Well I suffer from late night snacking but I try to skip breakfast and even skip lunch if I’m busy.
So I’m a night eater but that seem to be good because a study came out about a couple of weeks ago at least in mice that it’s not what you eat it’s when you eat that’s most important for longevity really.
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It doesn’t actually matter if you eat a lot in the morning or a lot at night. I like nighttime eating but you need a period during the day at least if you’re a mouse.
Probably if you’re a human where you’re hungry and that put your body in a defensive mode. These are the things that we’ve been studying my lab for the last 20 years.
What are the processes that diet and exercise do for us that keep us healthy and why does calorie restriction and intermittent fasting make animals live so much longer.
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And we think we’ve figured out a large part of how that works and now we’re mimicking that with molecules is the is the idea that you can mimic it with molecules and it will be as effective as intermittent fasting.