Is Maca safe for pregnant women? (Maca Question Video)

It has been said that the pregnant women should not take any additional supplements and same holds true for breast feeding mothers because the little ones are very sensitive to diseases and any form of injury in the early development stage may be detrimental. However, it says the cytotoxicity evaluations and acute toxicity studies have shown that there are no side effects involved with the use of Maca.

Peruvian women are known to consume high amounts of the herb even during pregnancy, and some recent studies done by the Infertility Clinic London claimed that the nourishing properties and high nutritional value of maca herb make it an awesome food for pregnancy.

It may be taken in moderation to help pregnant women deliver a lovely and healthy baby. However for the best results we would recommend that you consult with your doctor regarding the possible ramifications and the advantages of taking maca during your pregnancy.

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